Saturday, June 16, 2012

13 months

I just realized that I never posted Kali's 13 months!

It's been crazy lately,
PLUS I don't really have a computer of my own at the moment.

I'm at work right now and I decided this would be the perfect opportunity since it's 4 am and I have nothing better to do ;)

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At 13 months Kali,

- is extremely independent
- She won't eat anything unless she can feed herself.
-She only likes Bananas in the fruit category and is starting to wince at the sight of vegetables...awesome...
-She will only eat what we eat. She doesn't tolerate getting a different meal than us.
- She LOVES looking at herself in the mirror and could stare at herself for hours and be happy
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-She loves love LOVES water. Whether it be bath time, swimming, sprinklers or the faucet. It doesn't matter the temperature. She goes CRAZY
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-She is now to the point where she gets into EVERYTHING. When she's awake, I spend my time following her around picking up after her and taking E V E R Y   S I N G L E crumb on the ground out of her mouth.  
-It doesn't matter how clean I think the floor is, she'll find something to put in her mouth. 
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-She loves being outside. If we're inside all day she gets very irritable. Tyson and I have started going on walks almost every day after he comes home from her Wagon! It's most definitely one of her favorite times of the day.

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-She's very social .
-She will talk to anyone that will listen.
-She hates having her diaper changed
-She refuses to sit in a cart/stroller for very long. She insists on walking everywhere we go.
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-It's very apparent that she thinks she's a grown adult. When I'm talking with someone and we're laughing, Kali will join in and do a fake laugh and start talking in gibberish to join in on the conversation. haha it's so so cute.
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-She is definitely a baby that HAS to be the center of attention at all times. She needs to have some sort of acknowledgement that she's around....or she gets very angry.
-She dances to songs that we've taught her moves to
-She does her best to sing twinkle twinkle little star, singing "Twinkle" and "Star" loudly because she knows those words
-She loves to dance, sing and has a ear for music already.

We are absolutely in LOVE with her.
I seriously can't live without her. It's a known fact.


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