It saddens me to say,
that my sweet baby girl turned 1 year old today!
I can't even believe that it's already been a year. It's so crazy to me.
one year ago today,
our lives were changed.
I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show her Birth Story Pictures:
May 11 2011
We are still [as it's obvious in these pictures] absolutely in love with our little princess!
She went from being a beautiful little 6 pound 7 ounce baby,
A beautiful, perfect incredibly loved 19 pound ONE YEAR OLD!!
At 1 year old Kali:
~ Can walk, and walks ALL over the place. She loves this new found independence.
(sorry it's sideways...I can't figure out how to make it right side up)
~She has 6 teeth
~She still takes 2 naps a day and sleep about 11 hours a night; through the night.
~She hates when we're stuck in the house all day and needs to get out...just like her dad.
~Her favorite food is Cucumbers
~She hates any type of fruit except for Bananas
~She already believes she's a mini adult
~She's Miss independent FOR SURE
We honestly don't know what we'd do without Kalista Jean.
We love you SOO much baby girl!
Happy 1st Birthday!!